July 2020 Meeting Recap

It was our fourth Facebook live meeting and we’ve hit our stride! Extreme efficiency (and sadly, lack of fun events) has made for short and highly entertaining monthly meetings.

Matthew and Wes were safely reporting in from their own homes/sunflower fields and weatherperson, Dave Stanley, exhibited extreme multitasking skills from the BRAND NEW pumptrack at Baker Creek.

If you weren’t able to catch the broadcast, you can do it HERE.


  • Sharp’s is good!
  • Charit Creek Lodge is a great stop for a Big South Fork bike packing trip!
  • There is a new bike park in Hendersonville – check it out!
  • Our super rad bike park is OPEN. Please remember to give each other space and watch for wee shredders. “Pre-ride + Ride + Free-ride”. ALSO, we shouldn’t have to say this but LITTERING IS NOT COOL.


Dave Stanley, whilst ripping backwards around the track (not really but the special effects were top notch), reported that after an extended dry period, we’ve finally gotten some spotty rain. We are actually still on track for a pretty wet year. His prediction is that we’ll have a top five finish for wettest year ever. Also in with the fun fact: asphalt gets hot, y’all! 140-150 degrees hot! Watch yourselves out there and HYDRATE.


They aren’t really a thing but we have some killer volunteers that have been busting stuff out!

  • U.S. Bank & Elevon joined forces for a socially distanced day in the woods. They worked on clearing at Hastie Park.
  • David Brichetto and Moose Halstead have been putting in the time at Concord, Corey, weed eating wizard, has been clearing at Baker Creek.
  • Brian Hann, Wes Soward and Keith Crouch need a crew to help build a new trail. Shoot us a message if you are interested in helping out. Planning for the end of next week.
  • Trails@ambcknox.org for downed trees, yellow jacket alerts, and tool borrowing.
  • AMBC has Dave Williams working out on the trails with his primary focus being dead fall and Baker Creek. Thanks Dave!!!


  • Knox Bike Racing has a revised race schedule. We know you are stoked about things happening but please be safe and remember to keep your distance in the parking lot.
  • The Hartford 50 is on! You can sign up day-of and they do need some volunteers. Info at rapidexpeditions.com.
  • Harper Audi is sponsoring a DRIVE-IN movie on Thursday, July 30th at the Parkway Drive-in in Maryville. Accomplice by TGR will be on the big screen! Great turnout – Thanks Y’all!


  • Best Medicine (the beer) is back in stock! Ask for it by name!
  • The Great Smokey Mountain National Park is taking comments on the the proposed Wears Valley Mountain Bike Trail System. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Make your voice heard! For more information and trail plans click the link below and then review the document list with descriptions and potential trail maps. Comments can be made now – August 19th.
  • The Trailforks app has a “Trail Karma” program. They offer some prizes and opportunities to donate to whatever trail system you are riding. It’s pretty cool and we’ve already gotten some donations. Consider using it when you travel or just when your stoke is high at home.
  • The Smoky Mountains Hiking Club and AMBC are looking at the feasibility of a crushed stone trail along the historic Smoky Mountain Railroad. This is fun news and we will continue to keep you updated.
  • We got our Eco-Counters! They are capable of sensing direction and counting users – we’ll know how many people make it past Baker Creek! UT is in charge of facilitating the program and managing the data.
  • The sunflowers are blooming and our logos (thanks Urban Horticulture Supply!) should be visible from space soon!
  • The new trails and playground at Sharps are not open yet – we’ll keep you posted on this Legacy Parks Foundation project.

Thanks for tuning in, folks! We’ll be back again next month to do it all again!