Looks like a group hit North Dakota (Maah Daah Hey Trail) and Duluth, MN. Some of you will remember that we competed against Duluth in the Bell Built Grant. The trails were super impressive and close in to the city. Would absolutely recommend a visit.
Dave Stanley, looking like a mountain man and reporting in: We have an additional 3” of recent rain and things are WET. In comparison last September has almost zero precipitation. We are now looking at a solid #2 spot for the wettest year recorded!
Dave has recently been to Bentonville, Arkansas and said it’s exactly as you’ve heard – “Disneyland for bikes” with a surprisingly good art scene.
Kellogg says it’s halfway to Colorado and worth the trip!
- SO many – 8 snags in concord alone.
- Treadwork at Lippincott – yay Vinnie!!!
- Dave Williams has been working on Barn Burner, Cruze Valley Run, Floyd Fox and we’ve had quite a few small groups out working on various things at Baker Creek.
- Let us know if you want to take on a specific project and keep the trail reports coming! trails@ambcknox.orgwith (Location and photo please!)
- The Baker Creek Bike Park grand opening was a hit! We had good turn out and super shredder, Mayor Kincannon, had some good riding and life wisdom for the crowd. BIG THANKS to the City and County for all of the hard work!
- Saturday October 3rd is Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day! There aren’t any organized events this year but that shouldn’t stop you from getting out there!
- Knoxville Adventure Collective has a fun event coming up – Maskerade Adventure Race October 1-8th
- Log your miles for the Norris Dam 84 Mile Challenge – on horse! on foot! on your bike!
- Everyone’s favorite 12 hour race has been postponed
. Check in withCVTA for updates on the Hill of Truth.
- Speaking of CVTA – The Dirt Lab grand opening is October 9th!
- The No Business 100 is October 16th Big South Fork / Picket State Park and they could us some volunteers!
- VOTE! October 5th is the registration deadline and early voting begins on October 14th in Knox county.
- The Knoxville Regional TPO is working to create a long-term vision for the transportation system in our region and they could use your input.
- Memberships continue to roll in! Thanks to you all who’ve checked your status and re-upped. We are 50% above last year!
- Jeremy Walker’s eagle scout project was growing pumpkins and he harkened back to those fun days to create the first AMBC Pumpkin Sale! Thanks to Sokno Taco for letting us use their yard. We sold out and raised some money for trails! Look for us next year with MORE BIGGER PUMPKINS!
- SUPER RAD bike raffle with Harper’s Bike Shop!
- FRESH merchandise at an in-store booth at REI! Want to VOLUNTEER??? Sign up here!
- EPIC silent auction (send items to!
- FUN checkpoint ride organized by Dirty Bird Events!
Matthew and Ellen Kellogg have a tiny mountain biker brewing! The wee future shredder is due in November! BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Thanks for tuning in, folks! We’ll be back again next month to do it all again!