With the assistance from At Large Commissioner, Larsen Jay and with financial support from the County Commission AMBC will complete 6 new trails at the Concord Ballfield Property.  Following our Trails Masterplan we will build trails, 4,5,6,7,8,and 9!!! All before next summer – Get your gloves and plan to be at the MEGA WORK PARTY Febuary 3rd 2024!!!

Hall’s Top Trail Concepts

On 1/28/2022 the following concepts were presented for initial comments.  Below are the 3 Concept plans and the trail/route profiles. For the entire package please see the link at the bottom of the page. ALL comments can be emailed to AMBC at [email protected] and they will be forwarded to the project team.

Open House Boards FINAL 2022_01_28_compressed