November Meeting Recap!

Fall Events:

Riversports Pint Night – Thanks to Riversports Outfitters for including us in another great season of pint nights! We appreciate the support.

Bike Raffle – HUGE congrats to Corey Korpela for winning the Santa Cruz/Juliana bike raffle! Enjoy your sweet new ride. And THANKS to Harper’s for their awesome support and sponsorship.

Fall Fest – Mud and awesomeness!! Fantastic event once again. Many, many thanks to Brian and Mary Beth for letting us stomp all over their yard and for being such gracious hosts!

Urban Wilderness Work Day – Thanks to the 41 volunteers who came out to help! We got lots of work done in the woods and cleaned up our adopted street. And thanks to Cycology for lunch. Great work, great community, once again.

New Business:

SORBA Meeting Recap

We talked a little about the SORBA meeting last month. IMBA is making some changes and restructuring that will affect us at the club level. They are implementing a new dues structure. The dues will be going up, but we will see more of that money staying here with us. This is a good thing.

Oh Christmas Tree!

Get your tree this year from Andrew at Smokey Mountain Vintage Lumber! Ask them to donate 10% of your tree purchase to AMBC. They’ll do it!

Blue Ridge Mountain Sports Donation

Thanks to this great regional retailer for a donation from their sticker fund. $1168 to AMBC!

Clay Guerry with TVA spoke about Loyston Point, Knoxville area’s newest mountain biking destination. Everyone involved is thrilled with the response to this new trail system, but they ask that we let the new trail breathe and not ride it until it is ready. Thanks!


December 12Sharp’s Ridge Work Day – Saturday, 9-12, lunch by TVB.

December 13AMBC Holiday Party at Suttree’s Tavern! – Sunday at 6:00 pm, come out and join us for some holiday cheer! Eat, drink and be merry! Knock out some shopping at the merch table. We’ll see you there!

December 18Tour de Lights – Everyone’s favorite bikey holiday event! Decorate your bike (and yourselves!) and join the bike parade from Market Square through the historic downtown neighborhoods and back again. Read more here.

January 1 – Mail Run – Big South Fork; Start 2016 out right and join us for a New Year’s Day ride at BSF! “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” No excuse to miss this!

**No December Meeting! We’ll see you in 2016!

October 2015 Meeting Recap!


The Wood Property trails are under construction and NOT open to AMBC members or the public. Please DO NOT ride there until the trail system is officially open. We hope to celebrate this great addition to the Urban Wilderness with the Legacy Parks Foundation in the Spring of 2016!

Recent Events:

Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

This was a great event! There 60 people out for the event held at the Wood property beginner loop. We love to see such enthusiasm for mountain biking from the parents and kids. We can’t wait to get more involved in this event next year!

Oak Ridge Trail Day

Brad Spears shared the back story of the Oak Ridge trail project and the success of the recent work day. There were 53 people out to build the 1.3 mile “Sink Hole Trail” in the North Boundary area! This is significant in that it could open the door to over 22,000 acres of land owned by the Department of Energy in Oak Ridge. Great job on this to everyone who helped and thanks to the sponsors: RSIUCORKnoxville Bicycle Company, and Yee Haw Brewing.

12 Hour HOT Race

Thanks to John Baker & Co. for another fantastic 12 Hour HOT Race! It never disappoints. And many thanks to all the awesome volunteers!

Open Streets

What a fun day for our city! Were you there?! Want to do it again?? Write your local government representatives and tell them!

Coming Attractions:

River Sports Pint Night!

This month’s Pint Night at Riversports Outfitters is benefitting the AMBC! Tomorrow night, 6-9 pm. The first 200 people get a custom pint glass filled with a delicious beer and one refill for a mere $5 donation to the club! Yakima is the sponsor and is sure to have cool stuff for raffle. Food truck too! Ride down and join us!

AMBC Fall Fest

It’s here!! Saturday, November 7 at Helix Lane! Here’s the main things to know:

  • It’s awesome. Done.
  • Park and Ride! There is very limited parking onsite so PLEASE park at Anderson School and ride in.
  • Spend the night! There will be onsite camping, which is fun and SAFE! Feel free to set up your campsite Friday night, or drive in Saturday and set up and then park offsite.
  • Learn all the skills! There are clinics galore! Read about them here.
  • We need a ton of volunteers to pull this off! Please let us know if you can help out for a very short shift. You’ll still get to ride and play!
  • Eat breakfast! TVB will be cooking up a hot breakfast on Sunday morning and they promise an exciting culinary experience!

Work Days:

  • November 21 – Mead’s Quarry – We’ll be working in Marie Myers and on trash cleanup on our adopted street Burnett Creek Road. Sponsored by Cycology Bicycles.
  • December 12 – Sharps Ridge – Sponsored by TVB.

One More Thing!

Congress is considering three amendments to the transportation bill that would significantly reduce federal bike funding by cutting two critical programs, the Recreational Trails Program and the Transportation Alternatives Program. RTP directly impacts our quality of riding in Knoxville and is responsible for more than 10 Miles in our Urban Wilderness. The most recent project is the 6 miles that Legacy Parks is currently building at the Wood Property. Follow the People for Bikes initiatives and let our representatives know the importance of these programs. Click here for more information! 

We’ll see you at the next meeting on Monday, November 23!

Skills Clinics at AMBC Fall Festival

_F5A7738-X2This year we’re expanding Fall Festival to add some special skills clinics for riders of all levels! Pre-registration is encouraged for all clinics, and you can pre-register online.

Friday, November 6

Take Aim Cycling Clinics

Maximum of 6 participants. Cost for each clinic: $60 per person. Register online »

  • 2pm-4pm Descending: Using advanced braking techniques and body position, we’ll work on descending confidently and creating flow.
  • 4:30-6:30pm Jumping 101 Pressure Control: Intermediate riders looking to start getting their tires off the ground and feel confident.

Saturday, November 7

Take Aim Cycling Clinics

1 hour clinics. Maximum of 10 participants. These clinics are FREE, thanks to Tennessee Valley Bicycles! Register onsite at Fall Festival.
  • 9am, 10:15, 11:30, 12:45pm, 2pm Hour to empower clinics: 1 hour sessions to get the basic concepts down of specific skills.
    1. Wheel Lifts For Logs and Obstacles: Front and Rear Lifts. Two wheel lifts.
    2. Pumptrack Flow: Techniques for riding a pumptack with more speed and flow.
    3. Cornering: Fundamentals of cornering.
    4. 2 Skills 4 Life: Body Position and Braking: These two skills will help you unlock more confidence on the trail for all all your riding. Great for beginner and intermediate riders.
    5. Jumps: Air curious? The steps to start floating jumps.

Sunday, November 8

Spoked Women’s Mountain Bike Clinic

  • 9am – 12:30pm Skills- and trail-focused clinic for women. Maximum of 10 participants. Cost: $50. Register online »

Take Aim Cycling Clinics

2 hour Clinics. 6 person limit. Cost: $60 per person. Register online »
  • 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm. Choose two:
    1. Advanced Drops: Learn to ride at trail speed off drops.
    2. Jumping 201: Experienced riders looking to begin consistent jumping, start clearing jumps and landing confidently.
    3. Advanced Cornering: Highspeed, countersteering, and cutties. Intermediate to expert riders.